

Illuminate Sermon Series

Illuminate is a 10-week small group experience going through the book 1 John. Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. These spiritual rhythms aren’t new, or something the church recently created, every one of them is found in Acts 2 where the early church began. We will provide you with a facilitator who is trained to come alongside your group to help you get the most out of the experience.


Week 1 - A Firm Foundation

Week 2 - No More Darkness

Week 3 - Walk The Talk

Week 4 - Love Rejoices in Truth

Week 5 - They're just like their father

Week 6 - raising Cain

Week 7 - true or false

Week 8 - perfect love

Week 9 - testimony

Week 10 - in conclusion

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What does it mean to illuminate? The dictionary defines it in two ways: “to make something visible or bright by shining light on it, or to help to clarify or explain.” First John is all about shining light on the darkness and knowing the difference between truth and lies. Having assurance, or knowing the truth, about our salvation gives us the confidence to step up and follow through with what God has called us to do: to be people who love God and others by putting His Word into practice. And that’s disciples making disciples. 
