
free entry

Saturday June 22, 2024


500 Breakfast Hill Road Greenland, NH 03840

Join us for an outdoor family fundraising event benefitting local non-profit organizations GATHER and Seacoast Family Promise. Come enjoy touch-a-truck featuring our local first responder vehicles and heavy construction equipment, enjoy lawn games, face painting, and a complementary cookout style lunch. All proceeds to benefit GATHER and Seacoast Family Promise.

Prayer Team

Praying during the weeks leading up to this event is vital. We’ll provide weekly prayer requests.

Parking Team

Help ensure a safe and pleasant environment for guests as they arrive and exit.

Welcoming Team

You get to add the smiles as you warmly greet and assist those attending this event.

Food Team

Join the team everyone loves to see…yum! There are various ways to serve here.

Add some fun

Love to hear kids’ giggles? Check out these opportunities.


Let’s treat our guests to our yummiest goodies. Bake 2-3 dozen cookies or cupcakes for our event.
