
Faith Journey Resources

Living Life on PAR — Pray, Accountability to God, Reflection on Scripture

Bethany wants to support you wherever you are on your journey. As we learn your needs, more resources will be added, so check back frequently for updates.

Getting Started - Movement 1 (Curious to Believer)

Your Faith Journey starts with curiosity. Who is God? Who is Jesus? Why The Bible? Why the Cross? Why Am I Here? Questions…lots of questions. The more you explore answers, the more you can’t help, but believe.

How to Pray: The Beginner’s Guide 

How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig

Why Believe? Study 


With: Reimagining the Way you Relate to God by Skye Jethani

Going Deeper - Movement 2 (Believer to Mentored)

Becoming a believer is such an exciting time in your journey. You have decided to be a follower of Jesus and now it is time to explore some of the practices that will help you build a close relationship with Him. The more you put into the relationship the closer you feel to Christ.

All In - Movement 3 (Mentored to Devoted)

As you grow in your relationship with Jesus, your devotion for Him will compel you to not only love others, but to share how He has changed you. Jesus will be at the center of your thoughts and motivations for your actions. Your faith will permeate all areas of your life, helping you to realize that your heart has been renovated.

Handbook to Prayer: Praying Scripture Back to God by Ken Boa

Prayers for our world

Christian Caregiving: a Way of Life by Kenneth C. Haugk

The Genius of Generosity: Generous Living is Joyful Living by Chip Ingram

Balancing Life’s Demands by Chip Ingram

How to share your faith journey video (not made yet)

How to Find Yourself: Why Looking Inward is Not the Answer by Brian Rosner

Relational Evangelism class ( not yet offered)
